Spinnerbait Bass Fishing Lure

Spinnerbait Bass Fishing Lure has a smooth, flowing action that mimics a swimming baitfish. The blades vibrate and flash, attracting the attention of bass.




How to Fish Spinnerbait Bass Fishing Lure

Spinnerbait Bass Fishing Lure

Spinnerbait Bass Fishing Lure has a smooth, flowing action that mimics a swimming baitfish. The blades vibrate and flash, attracting the attention of bass. You can use spinnerbaits in most bass-fishing situations, but they are especially suited to fishing shallow cover. The most popular sizes range between 1/4-ounce and 3/4-ounce.

Spinnerbaits are often referred to as “the most versatile” lure because they can be fished in nearly any condition, year-round. They can be fished in winter, summer, fall, spring, hot water, cold water, muddy water, and even clear water from just under the surface to as deep as you want to fish it. It is also the type of lure that can be fished in, over, through, and around many cover forms.

Spinnerbait Bass Fishing Lure in Action:

Short-arm:The length of the top wire arm is shortened. It can be fished anywhere but is especially suitable for dropping or “helicoptering” off ledges.
Long-arm:The length of the top wire arm is lengthened. It can be fished anywhere but is especially suitable for grass or brushy cover.
Twinspins:It works best on the bottom or as a drop bait.

Where to fish for Bass with spinnerbaits:

When fishing for bass with spinner bait, you want to target areas with a mix of cover and structure. Places like weed beds, stumps, and rocky outcroppings are great for casting your lure. Cast the spinnerbait close to the cover or structure and allow it to sink before beginning your retrieve.


Spinnerbait Rods

Selecting the right rod for spinnerbait fishing typically comes down to the type of cover you intend on targeting. Opting for a shorter rod in the 7-ft range with a medium-heavy to heavy power works best for executing quick, repetitive roll casts to shallow-water targets like docks and tree overhangs. Conversely, when you are slow rolling a spinnerbait through deep water, a medium-heavy to heavy casting rod measuring 7’6” or longer is recommended. The extended length offers a notable advantage, enabling longer casts to maintain the spinnerbait within the strike zone for extended periods and facilitating powerful sweeping hook sets. Additionally, most anglers favor a moderate to moderate-fast taper, ensuring optimal responsiveness and control during retrieves and strikes.

Spinnerbait Reels

Spinnerbaits are built to induce reaction strikes with their rapid movement and enticing blend of flash and vibration, so opting for a higher gear ratio reel to match the consistent retrieve and aggressiveness of the fish’s response is crucial. A faster 7:1 gear ratio empowers anglers to efficiently cover expansive stretches of water, accelerating retrieves to provoke aggressive reactions while still retaining the flexibility to slow down as needed. Additionally, a larger 200-size reel offers the necessary capacity and power for longer casts and targeting deep-water structure. For situations requiring agility and maneuverability, a smaller, more compact reel in the 100- to 150-size range is equally effective when navigating tight spots or employing high-speed power fishing along the bank. By tailoring your reel choice to the demands of spinnerbait fishing, you can optimize your performance and capitalize on the lure’s inherent effectiveness in triggering strikes when fished fast along cover.

Spinnerbait Bass Fishing Lure Tip:

The best advice for fishing with spinnerbaits is to experiment with many different retrieve styles. No single method works all of the time. On any given day, you should switch around with your retrieve until you find something that works. Stick with it until it ceases to work, and then go to another method.

Experiment with these different retrieves:

Contact: Locate a shallow creek arm or flat with stumps, grass, brush, or weed cover. (Polarized sunglasses will help you detect submerged cover.) Cast well past your target and retrieve the spinnerbait slowly. Try to knock the lure against the stump, brush, or grass you’re fishing. This changes the direction and action of the bait slightly and often triggers a strike.

Wake: In murky, shallow water, cast past a logjam or other heavy cover, raise the rod tip high, and reel quickly. The spinnerbait will rise to the surface. Slow the retrieve slightly so that the blades do not break the water. The lure will throw a fish-attracting wake.

Buzz: In murky, shallow water, reel quickly with the rod tip held high; let the blades of the bait break the surface, creating a splashing sound.

Helicopter: When fishing steep banks, ledges, or drop-offs, let the lure sink to the bottom on a tight line. The spinner blade will rotate as the bait drops. When it hits the bottom, reel the slack, raise the rod top slightly, and drop it again.

Slow-Roll: When bass are hiding fairly deep along drop-offs or submerged cover, cast toward shallow water, point the rod tip down, and retrieve very slowly, just fast enough for the blades to turn, so the bait will sink as it swims. A heavy bait (3/4 to 1 ounce) works best.

If you’re not using this versatile big fish catching bait, you are missing out. Spinnerbaits can be used in a variety of situations and are effective almost all year. They are exceptionally effective during the pre-spawn when bass are looking for an easy meal. Tie one on and give it a try this year, you will be glad you did.
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