Lee Bailey jr Design Series FAQ’s

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Lees Design Series FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

Lees Design Series FAQ's

Lees Design Series FAQ’s allows you to search the Frequently Asked Questions of Lees Design Series, click on the question text link below to be brought to that particular answer.

Many of your questions on Lees Design Series™ can be answered here If you have a question and answer that is not asked and answered on Lees Design Series FAQ’s, please send us your FAQ’s using the “Get in Touch” email at the bottom of this page.

  1. What are Backlinks?
  2. What is a Blog?
  3. What is content development?
  4. What is eCommerce?
  5. What is CMS (Content Management System)?
  6. What is the term conversion rate?
  7. What is Database Driven?
  8. What is a Directory or search Engine Directory?
  9. What is a Domain?
  10. What is a Domain Name?
  11. What is Domain Registration?
  12. What is FTP Client?
  13. What is a .gif?
  14. What is a home page?
  15. What are hyperlinks or links?
  16. What is Host or Hosting?
  17. What is HTML?
  18. What is HTTP?

What are Backlinks?

» Links from other websites to yours. Used to increase a site’s popularity with search engines and to get more people to visit your site.


What is a Blog?

» An online journal or diary and a very popular current method of sharing your thoughts with the world. It is also very popular as a marketing tool.


What is content development?

» Simply put, content development consists of flushing out primarily the textual content of your website. Often, initial content for a new website is pulled from company brochures, media kits, sales manuals, and existing marketing material.


What is eCommerce?

» E-commerce is simply the buying and selling of information, products and services online.


What is CMS (Content Management System)?

» A dynamic website that is normally database driven and which enables the owner/user to manage the content of their own website (make changes) without needing to know any coding at all.


What is the term conversion rate?

» A marketing term that refers to how many website visitors convert to buyers. If 1 out of every hundred visitors to a site end up buying something, there is a 1:100 (or 1%) conversion rate. Ultimately this is what website marketing is all about because it is pointless getting thousands of visitors if none are buying your product, your services, your ideas or whatever it is you are selling (every website is selling something, even if the only payment is an ego-boost to the site owner).


What is Database Driven?

» With a normal static website, the information that you see is on the page itself. It does not change unless someone manually edits the page. On a database driven website, the information is not stored on the page, but in a database. Every time someone visits a particular page, the information is drawn from the database in order to display it on the page. Information can therefore be easily cross-referenced and the same information applied in many different ways, using formulas and different variables.


What is a Directory or search Engine Directory?

» Much like the Yellow pages, a directory is a place where information about hundreds, thousands and millions of websites is stored to allow people to easily and quickly find information and/or resources.
Google, Yahoo and MSN are examples of search engine directories.


What is a Domain?

» A domain is a person or organization’s unique space on the internet. In layman’s terms, it is commonly used to mean the name of your website.


What is a Domain Name?

» A domain is identified by the number assigned to its unique space. To make it easier to use however, the number is given the name of your choice an this name is assigned to the number. In this way, people do not need to remember the number (IP) in order to visit a website, but can use the easier-to-remember domain name.


What is Domain Registration?

» In the same way that you have to register a business name, so you need to register a domain name. Only once it is registered do you have the ability to assign it to a specific number so that it has an actual location on the internet. A domain name registration is normally only valid for one year, at the end of which it has to be renewed for you to continue using it. Some domain names must be registered for 2 years minimum, like those ending with .co.uk.


What is FTP Client?

» The software program that you use to upload your website and / or items to a host server.


What is a .gif?

» A type of file used for images, especially animated graphics and line-drawn images (as opposed to photographs). A .gif image can be saved with a transparent background, making it ideal for graphic overlays.


What is a home page?

» Home page generally means the first page people visit when they look at a website.


What are hyperlinks or links?

» A hyperlink or link is generally “text” that you click on to go to another page; links can also be images you click on to go to another page.


What is Host or Hosting?

» In order for you to have an email address or a website, a computer somewhere, with all the necessary software, has to provide you with 3 things: an IP (domain) address, physical space to store the information and bandwidth that accommodates the flow of information that is taking place on your behalf. The company that provides you with these facilities is your host and you will pay them a fee for hosting your site and or email address.


What is HTML?

» Hyper Text Markup Language. This is the base language that s used for creating websites. Common uses of the term are, “html coding” and “html website”. A website created in pure html is also referred to as a static website. In other words, it does not interact with the visitor other than in the most basic ways. It stores no data and can not return data other than what is consistently on the page itself.


What is HTTP?

» Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. This is a method used to transfer information on the internet and normally precedes the “description” of the actual resource being accessed and transferred. For example, web sites and web pages are one type of resource, identified by their domain name (www.domain.com).

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